What’s in it For You!
What’s in it for you!
|by Mohamad Younes, RN, BSN, CPHON®
I get approached with this negative mentality where nurses question me, why are you making those YouTube Videos, why do you ask people to share them. What do you benefit from having a blog, why do you ask nurses to share it. Why are you building your social media following, are you trying to be a celebrity.
LOL… These questions come from people who know me or know my wife Amani on the personal level. Usually those people are the ones who live in a nutshell, non-risk takers, non-motivators, non-helpers, and non- influencers.
Most of those people worry a lot about their image, they are selfish, and they are not willing to give or help unless there is something in return or revenue of some sort.
The IRONY is that those same people are the ones who ask me or my wife for advises to how to pass the IELTS, NCLEX, and CGFNS. They are the ones who ask, “how can I apply for immigration to USA, for a B1/B2 visa, for a sponsorship to a certain conference”. They are the ones who ask for advise to the application for nursing specialty certification like the CPHON. They are the ones who ask to send them free study material…. My GOD – what is wrong with you people!
They don’t get the BIG picture even though they are the ones who are getting most of the benefits from what I offer. If they cared enough to read my AlphaSlice Philosophy, or the About page on my YouTube Channel, or just read between the lines, they would have got the answer to their question.
Why do they ask for free help or advise, and they wonder why do I give it to others.
What’s in it for me!
I was in a dark place at one point in life. I lost all my savings and my wife’s savings trying to get answers, trying to get help, trying to find hope, safety, and wellbeing. We literally spent $80,000 trying to stay above water, trying to find shore. We were trying to find our way home, not our home, but to find a place that we can finally call it home.
We were trying to find a RN who has done it before and follow his or her footsteps. We failed, failed and failed to find that one RN who has immigrated to USA and is living the American Dream. I wanted to find a real RN not a staffing or recruitment agency, I wanted a RN currently living the Dream who would just answer my one and only question.
“Am I chasing an illusion? Am I being stubborn? Am I dragging all my family down with me? Is there even an American Dream or that is just a Hollywood fantasy? Is it possible to get there?”
I just wanted confirmation, I wanted someone who has been in my shoes and is now in a better place to tell me,
“Yes keep going, it can be done. I have done it and now it is your turn to do it”.
I failed to find that one RN. But you know what! One night, I looked up to the guy upstairs and I prayed and I made a promise. If I make it, I will do whatever it takes to be that RN that I was looking for to give me hope, reassurance, and advise.
A lot of international RNs just need someone to talk to validate their goals and help them take decisions by sharing his experience. International RN’s want someone to connect to, who gives them inspiration, motivation to keep them going especially if they are in a place that sucks.
Most International RNs are underappreciated, underpaid, underrated, and undervalued. They want to bring life back to their nursing profession and to why they chose that profession in the first place. International RNs want safety, security, independence, financial stability, insurance, luxury, leverage, human rights, electricity, water, systems, and more. They want the western lifestyle. Is it possible to dream to have all that?
Most international RNs who are pursuing the American Dream have potential. They don’t know what they are capable of, because their situation, culture, country doesn’t not allow them to experiment and max out on their potential. They are like a Ferrari in an alley, there is no way you can test the full potential of a Ferrari in an alley. To test the full potential of a Ferrari is to put it on a racetrack. The same thing applies to international RNs, to test their full potential they need to immigrate to USA, and believe me “They Can Move Mountains”.
I love my profession because I can care and advocate to those who can’t care and advocate for themselves. Now, besides that, I found another passion in my profession, which is to motivate and inspire RNs who need the motivation and inspiration to improve their current status.
What’s in it for me!
To those who ask that question, I say.
Inspiring others to improve their life is not easy, and some, desperately need that idea of inspiration and motivation to keep them going especially if they are in a place that sucks, same place that you are currently in (instafuckenbility). Is this word hard for you to read, do you want me to break it down for you!
If you help other people get what they want, then you will get what you want. So stop asking silly questions and think outside of the box.
To the International RN I say. Listen, I know exactly what you are going through. I have been that guy 6 month ago. You see where I am now, you see what I was able to accomplish in this short period of time. Listen brothers and sisters, stand your grounds, surround yourself with positive people and it is shame to say but those positive people are not your family, your friends, or your country. Positive people can only be found ONLINE, yes you heard me, ONLINE! The people online don’t judge you or criticize you; they are online to help you. It doesn’t matter if they are helping you online for free or asking a price in return. The main thing is that they are there for you.
My fellow International RN, when I got here, there were no footprints to follow. I went through a lot of sacrifice and loses to get to where I wanted to be. Good News, Now you have footprints for you to follow. Stop looking, and make your first STEP!
I made it here through #perseverance. That is my only advise.
It takes 4-6 hours to make a 6-minute YouTube Video and another hour to market it on social media. It takes 2-3 hours to put a post like this one together. I am investing that time to help you by creating entertaining and educational material. All I ask for in return is to give me 3 seconds of your precious time, only 3 clicks.
Like, Subscribe, and Share, so that another RN, who is in the same shit hole I was in few years back, would find me, would find hope.
Submit a comment down below, share your thoughts
|by Mohamad Younes, RN, BSN, CPHON®
September 25, 2017 @ 4:46 am
I love u
September 25, 2017 @ 8:44 pm
hahaha love you too 🙂
September 25, 2017 @ 5:49 am
Wow! I can totally relate!! I searched the web trying to find that one RN too and hussled through trying to dig for information but nope, none! Ended up spending a lot of money trying to find my way, I vowed to give information and support to anyone on the journey, through reviews on the materials I used and mails, Watsup and any other media. Yours is more effective and am now also benefiting 😊
Keep up the good work!
September 25, 2017 @ 8:46 pm
Thank you very much, Yeah I know that there are many people who can relate to what I talked about. But yeah we live and learn, and if we are fortunate enough, we will try to help others get a smoother pass 🙂
September 26, 2017 @ 5:51 am
Thank you Mohammad for your inspiring blogs.Now I have someone who is my real friend to follow his footprints in my journey.I hope that I will not struggle a lot.And keep up ur videos and blogs because they really help people who are in need for these crucial informations that u include in ur videos.
Thank yoy a lot another time.
September 27, 2017 @ 4:49 am
Adel my friend, thank you for your lovely and supporting comment. I wish you won’t struggle at all, yes my friend, just follow my footsteps and you will reach your ultimate goal risk free. Just keep up the hard work and everything will pay off.
Thanks for watching my videos and reading my blog. Please share it, share the love
September 27, 2017 @ 1:47 am
This is really great. You may not know the lives you touch but I just wish to encourage you to keep up the good work. Its helping lots of people out there. God bless you and your household
September 27, 2017 @ 4:50 am
Hey my friend, Thank you bunch for your lovely comment. Yes, I will keep doing what I’m doing, because I know I will make someone smile when he first discover my blogs or vlogs. Thanks for following along, I wish you subscribe to my youtube channel and share amongst your social media