1. Tony Dib
    September 22, 2017 @ 5:52 am

    Nicely written Mohamad
    I have a dreams too and every time I read your posts my energy get fired up.
    I am very confident that many of your social media followers specially RNs feel that they hit the jackpot, learning real stuff from you watching your videos about your experience and benefiting from a genuine source of data and information that you provided free on YouTube and all other social media network will never forget of you in helping them change their lives.
    Keep up the good job👍

    • AlphaSlice
      September 23, 2017 @ 8:25 pm

      Hey Tony,
      Man my dream came true because of you 🙂 I can never give you enough credit.
      I love the fact that I can help others through my social media.
      All I really want is for people to wake up and feel the urge again to love their dream again and do whatever it takes to make it come to life.
      This post was my first piece of blogging thoughts, I hope you can share my website/blog with other RN’s that you feel might get inspired
      I am trying to build a positive community 🙂

  2. Susan
    September 22, 2017 @ 12:38 pm

    Wooow this is so encouraging….You have inspired me so much..Looking forward for your next piece
    Thank you

    • AlphaSlice
      September 23, 2017 @ 8:29 pm

      Susan, thank you for taking the time to read my post. I am glad you found some inspiration in it. I hope you got the moral of the post above. Reflect on your life and flourish your dream again.
      keep coming back. If you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube Channel, please do. A lot of valid and helpful information over there
      Visit my RN AlphaSlice Facebook group for daily interactions. I am on all social media platforms as AlphaSlice

  3. Ali Odeh
    September 22, 2017 @ 5:36 pm

    Very interesting and encouraging thoughts..
    keep up the great ideas..
    Keep reaching for the stars..
    you are living the American Dream..

    • AlphaSlice
      September 23, 2017 @ 8:33 pm

      Hey Ali,
      Thank you for taking the time and reading my post. I am glad it was up to your interest.
      yes, I am a living dream, and I refuse to be anything less than that. My aim is to motivate, encourage, and influence others to pursue their dream no matter how life or people try to cut them off.
      keep coming back and share my site/vlog with your friends and family and with who ever might find this content of any benefit.

  4. Hinmikaiye C.T
    September 22, 2017 @ 8:13 pm

    I love your dream dear brother. A big lesson for me.

    • AlphaSlice
      September 23, 2017 @ 8:37 pm

      Hey listen,
      I was in a dark place one day, but I decided to do whatever it takes to get out of that hole.
      Guess what, yes I did. Now I am in the right place to test my potential. I want to test what my brain is capable of doing. I want to test how may goals I can accomplish, how many dream I can bring to life. My vision is to help over 100,000 people one way or another to reach their dreams.
      I hope you lined up your goals and dreams to start tackling them one by one.
      Keep it positive and pursue your dream 🙂
      keep coming back. If you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube Channel, please do. A lot of valid and helpful information over there
      Visit my RN AlphaSlice Facebook group for daily interactions. I am on all social media platforms as AlphaSlice

  5. Fadi
    September 25, 2017 @ 8:01 pm

    My friend,you a very true example of a motivated RN who refuses being on the shelf.I hope that I knew you and heard from your advices long time ago before wasting time and money.keep on dude !!

    • AlphaSlice
      September 25, 2017 @ 8:49 pm

      Hey buddy, I hear you. My motivation comes form the people who I interact with on a daily basis, my wife and kids, and the positive people I surround myself with in real life, and on social media.
      I hope you still have that fire in you to pursue you dreams, it is never too late to dream big!

  6. Natasha Remy
    September 25, 2017 @ 9:22 pm

    sometimes we have dreams but other make us feel like ware are crazy to have them. They may say”” i dont see that happening”” then you just get demotivated. But i am glad that we can learn from you Alphaslice. I believe in my dreams. i dream to be financially free, to be in charge of a neonatal unit, to be an educator, to travel the world.

    Thank you for your encoragement

    • AlphaSlice
      September 25, 2017 @ 11:40 pm

      Hey Natasha, I am glad you still have that mentality. Yes Dream for you and never mind the negative mentalities. If you read my other post on my blog titled What’s in it For You! https://alphaslice.org/whats-in-it-for-you/ you will relate more to the people you surround yourself with and you should try your best to stay away.
      The people with your similar mindset and mutual dreams are found online and not around you.
      keep dreaming 🙂

  7. Racquel Clabita
    September 29, 2017 @ 3:10 am

    OMG. This is overwhelmingly full of ideas. I was brought here by a link from a video in youtube. Everything seems to be done so easily and the page is full of motivation and encouragement. More ideas please and more blessings 🙂

    • AlphaSlice
      September 29, 2017 @ 3:34 am

      Hey Racquel, thanks for your lovely comment, I really appreciate you taking the time to ready my posts and watch my youtube video.
      I hope you subscribed to my youtube channel, you can find links to it here on the blog. Please share this post and other videos if you find value in them. Liking, sharing, commenting on my posts and videos will help my blog and channel grow and reach more audience. I also have the RN AlphaSlice facebook group and page, we have more than 650 motivated nurses from all over the world. we are glad to have you on board. If you don’t mind, I will add you to my email list for the free weekly alphaslice newsletter.